Public Sector Equality Duty
Stapleford Abbotts Primary Academy is committed to meeting the public sector equality duty. We aspire for all pupils to reach their full potential and have high expectations that they will do so. In addition, we are working towards the following core equality objectives:
to ensure that arrangements for pupil admissions across the schools are fair and non-discriminatory
to minimise any achievement differences between pupils of different genders
to minimise any achievement differences between pupils from different ethnic groups
to minimise any achievement differences between pupils from different religious groups
to minimise any achievement differences between pupils who have disabilities and those who do not.
These objectives run through all aspects of our curriculum and our approach to high quality teaching.
We aim to demonstrate that we are meeting our equality duty through reference to the following:
the implementation of our admissions policy
school performance data
behaviour and anti-bullying policy
school development plans
curriculum materials
Local governing body minutes
We are working towards the following core equality objectives for our staffing team:
Encouraging more women and ethnic minority individuals into senior positions, to ensure the Trust’s senior leadership better reflects the diversity of the communities we serve
We are able to demonstrate that we are meeting our equality duty through reference to the following:
Regular staffing reports to the LGB