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SAPA team

Who's who at Stapleford Abbotts Primary School?

Senior Leadership team

Headteacher and Safeguarding Lead - Mrs Tait
Deputy Headteacher and Deputy Safeguarding Lead - Mrs Jay
Acting Deputy Headteacher and Deputy Safeguarding Lead - Miss Wreford
SENCO/KS2 Phase leader and ACE lead - Miss Wreford
Key Stage 1 and Phonics lead - Mrs Wilkins
School Business Manager - Mr Sheard

Teaching staff

Acorns Deputy Preschool Manager/Preschool teacher - Miss McCarthy
EYFS Lead/Reception teacher - Miss Lynch (currently on maternity leave)
Reception teachers - Mrs Wilkins and Mrs Chalmers
Year 1 teacher - Miss Edgell (Cherry class)
Year 2 teacher - Mrs Francis 
Year 3 teacher - Mrs Damian
Years 4 teacher - Miss Roberts
Year 5/6 teacher - Miss Wreford

Support staff

Mrs Beddoe
Miss Rose (Preschool Assistant)
Mrs Carle (Preschool Asssitant)
Mrs Hagerty
Mrs Hunter
Mrs Pegrum
Mrs Curran (HLTA)

Office and site staff

Regional Business Manager - Mr Sheard

Office Manager - Miss McCarthy

Office Support- Miss Khan

Caretaker - Mr Neary

Caterlink catering staff

School cook - Mrs Kingston